I am a new visitor, what are your Policies, Terms and Conditions?
You can click here for full details of our policies, terms and conditions.
What is the order flow and return policy for digital purchases?
Please review the digital purchases and returns sections for more details.
How do I gain access to download free printables?
To gain access to our free printable, all you have to do is create a FREE account with us. Our selective list of FREE printables change over time, so come back often to check out which ones are FREE at the time of visit!
How do I know which printables are FREE?
If you see an item listed with missing price or passcode that means it is FREE to download! Additionally, you could receive promo codes from our newsletter for selected items with 100% off discount.
Do I need to go through the purchase flow to download the FREE printables?
Yes and no. Some of the FREE printables are provided through download links in the product description. If there is no download link provided, simply add the item to cart and go through the purchase flow. “No payment necessary” is automatically shown if the order total is $0.00, click “checkout” to complete the flow. You will receive an email with a download link to the printable.
Where can I find how-to videos of your craft items?
We have product videos for most of our items, please check out SquareSunflowerDesign on YouTube.
What payment methods do you accept on this site?
Currently, we accept credit cards, Apple Pay and Google Pay for orders placed through this site. Please visit our Etsy shop if you prefer other payment methods.
Still have questions? Feel free to contact us.